Saturday, December 19, 2009

No alcohol advertising between 06.00-22.00 on regional radio?

The "Walla Branja" site
reports that the Second Radio and TV Authority is thinking of restricting the advertising of alcoholic drinks between 06.00-22.00 on the regional radio stations here in Israel -this in order to stop encouraging Israeli youth to drink alcoholic beverages.

The head of the radio branch of the Authority has sent a letter to all of the regional stations asking their opinion in writing in the matter until the end of the month. It is also under consideration to require the regional stations to broadcast messages of how dangerous alcohol consumption can be, during the programs that actually advertise commercials for alcoholic drinks.

The Second Radio and TV Authority have, in the same letter, reserved the right to ban altogether commercials for alcoholic beverages, but this option is not being looked at at the moment.
Taken from "Walla Branja"

There is a serious drinking problem amongst Israeli youth, with alcoholic beverages easily obtainable from kiosks. Many lame laws are in the process of being introduced to try and stop the sale to minors, and the limitation of advertising on radio won't stop it either - but it certainly can't harm.

Commercials for smoking have been banned for years on Israeli radio and TV - could alcohol be next?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eco 99FM

A new station hit the airwaves this week - Eco99FM - an "enviromental" radio station. Whilst reading the various Israeli radio forums and the critical revues it has received, I must admit, the little I have heard, I like.

I was listening this afternoon, and there was veteran broadcaster Ronit Kfir. Ronit was one of my favorite lecturers when I was doing a brush up course at Radio Tel Aviv in 1999. She was interviewing people of how to build houses that are friendly to the enviroment and that save money in electricity. Nothing really earth shattering here, but was better than Didi Locali that was being syndicated on nearly every other station (see a previous post).

As I am 50+ I like the music as well, although there are some that yearn for BU99, the station for "youngsters". I must say, hearing dance and trance music throughout the day is certainly not my cup of tea!

But what Eco99FM plans to do in the future beats me. How long can you talk about the enviroment in each day, and if you don't (they have sports programmes as well), well that doesn't justify winning the tender on the enviromental ticket.

As I said, I for one like what I hear at the moment, it's like a pool of sanity in a world of either phone in programmes, agony aunts, or current affairs and news programmes - oh and did I say I liked the music?