This is a copy of a post that I left on the new VOP forum:
If there is any criticism that I have heard, it is that the station is living in the past - the same jingles, same presenters, same music!If you/we want this station to take off, you will have to get presenters that are in tune with what the listeners want, up to date music, and maybe new jingles - yes - new jingles. We all love the old jingles, it takes us back 20-30 years, but we aren't there anymore.We cannot live in the past.
The original VOP was the best thing that happened to Israeli radio, but that ended in 1993. We are in 2009, and the station must adjust itself.As one who worked on an English language radio station here not too long ago (RAM FM), I have the experience and knowledge of what it takes to make it work. RAM FM played a mixture of oldies and newies - an A/C format, and it was a huge success. We were often compared to the VOP.
I am prepared to share my experience with you all.In my opinion, this is the way the VOP should go. It has to revamp itself, get rid of the cobwebs, and get itself up to date. There are some great new songs out there, perfect for the A/C format.Of course the listeners will decide in the end, because if the VOP pulls in the more "mature" audience, then that is the way the station will go. You will have to decide on who your target audience is, otherwise the station will sound like a salad - all mixed up.
And please, less of the Shalom/Salam that I heard last night, it sounds corny. Who is the station aiming at? Israelis? Arabs? The world? If all of these, then instead of saying Shalom/Salam, start playing Arabic pop music, have an Arabic presenter - be real!!! I cringed last night when I heard the Shalom/Salam thing, it sounded so out of place.Yaniv, you can tell us how many listeners the station has in the Arab world - and if it does, and you want to build on it, then start catering to them as well. Then, and only then, will the station be a VOICE OF PEACE.